Quantum, man. That stuff takes you to a whole different level. Like, if you look at quantum fields, their description is so similar to the Force from Star Wars that it actually makes Star Wars seem like an actual sci-fi series. That said, I was really going for some abstract art and it surprisingly came out exactly how I wanted it to.
A view of the Doorway. Three planets that claim the lives of many passerby. One covered in an ever-changing landscape of molten rock, one covered in a desolate terrain and green skies, one covered in ice and lost hope.
While it's the closest planet to the sun in the Necro System (Devil's Doorway), it was the last to be redone in CGI. Magma lakes dot the surface. It's landscape changes periodically as storms rain down magma. At night, this magma cools. If a person survived a storm outside the planet's only outpost, they would surely be lost...
Arctica is the furthest planet from the sun (out of three) in the Necro System, also known to the galaxy as "The Devil's Doorway." 80 years ago, one of the outposts on the planet was shut down due to an alleged infestation of creatures. There were a handful of survivors, but they vanished from existence after being rescued.
Finally got another piece done. This time, I wanted to remake the Devil's Doorway, so I started with the original planet that I made, Viridi Mortem. It's a desolate planet (or so it would seem) and it's actually featured for a little while in Dark Matter III, my third novel. The first of the three planets in the system is now CGI (though it's in the middle of the other two planets)!
Super stoked! July 9th (Saturday) third anniversary of my second novel, Dark Matter Rises, and to celebrate, all three of the Dark Matter novels will be available digitally for FREE on Amazon Kindle and the Kindle app for Android and iOS. Links are below, but I'll be posting them again on Saturday!
Dark Matter: Code Red: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078T1ZBRV Dark Matter Rises: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SX6NYZG Dark Matter III: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09S6LHC49 |
Taylor W. WilsonHere, I will post the many things happening in my life. I am an artist, a musician, a writer, a comedian, and child of God. Archives
April 2023