As some of you may remember, I use to do a video blog, or "vlog", up until last year. I just stopped. So, I'm back at it with a professional intro and everything! So...come to check out my new site, eh? Sure, I got the Taylor Productions site, but that's a company site, and I wanted to show some of my art and music, my two main hobbies. Over there, it's more of podcasts, music, videos, etc. Well, keep checking in over there AND here. You will see some exclusives on this site. Also, going to be reviewing movies, games, and music here soon. I use to do reviews for many companies, but I've decided since they hardly pay me, I'll just do them on my own time, right on this very site. Stay tuned!
Taylor W. WilsonHere, I will post the many things happening in my life. I am an artist, a musician, a writer, a comedian, and child of God. Archives
April 2023